About me

My name is Mike. I’m a recovering journalist and I live near the coast in Beaufort County, South Carolina.

I moved here in 2012 with my wife and two beautiful children, Dylan and Ella, after 13 years in the Upstate to become the sports editor for two daily newspapers.

If it sounds like a fairy tale, it wasn’t.

In September 2014, my wife informed me she no longer wanted to be married. And in February 2016, my newspaper decided it no longer needed my services.

But I managed to survive. And I like where I’m at now.

One Response to “About me”

  1. Bobby Crowson Says:

    Hey, Mike! I was blundering around on the internet the other day and came across your blog. Tell me what you’ve been up to all these years since Lithonia! Seems I messed you up so badly that you went out and became a journalist! Lord, help you, son!

    Mr. C

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